AM Professional Services

Serving the Middlesex/Somerset County areas, we are a tax, bookkeping and accounting firm in New Jersey. As NJ Accountants specializing in business and individual taxes and consulting we pride ourselves on the responsiveness and quality of our firm. We’ve been serving residents of New Brunswick, Somerset, East Brunswick, Edison and surrounding towns for over 10 years and plan to be here for many more.

Tax Accounting in New Jersey

We can help you save money on your state and federal taxes, as well as help business owners streamline their operations and increase their profitability.

Not Just An Accountant

AM Professional Services prides itself as a partner to it’s business clients and friends to the individuals we serve. We never lose sight of the simple premise that your accountant’s prosperity is tied to yours and are there to guide you through the difficult terrain of your personal and business finances. We’ll help you formulate and execute a plan.

A Tax Expert in the Family

Every year the federal government make 400 to 800 changes in the tax laws. Is it any wonder that most people have trouble keeping track? At Am Profesional Services we keep track of the tax law changes and sort the chaff from the wheat for you. We won’t waste your time. We’ll let you know which tax law changes affect you and how, and we’ll give you the information you need in time to use it.

Business Consulting

No business can succeed without keeping careful track of it’s assets and liabilities. Your accountant’s job is not just to save you money on taxes! Your accountant is there to help you make your daily operations more efficient and profitable. From startup to incorporation and beyond; attentive accounting practices combined with expert tax preparation and planning can spell the difference between success and failure.

You need accountants that do more than your taxes. Tax preparation and services are important, but your accountant can make a huge difference in many other areas. If you are in New Jersey Middlesex/Somerset County Area and you’d like to see what kind of difference attentive accounting can make to your financial future call to make an appointment today at 732-545-8580. Remember initial consultations are free to local NJ business owners, so you have nothing to lose by giving us a call except some year-end headaches.